👉🏻Are you an entrepreneur who knows what to do but can’t stay consistent with your training and nutrition?

👉🏻Have you tried everything—workout plans, fitness apps, meal plans and diets—but nothing seems to stick?

👉🏻Are you ready to lose belly fat, build muscle and stay in great shape all year round?

It’s time to unlock a system that works.


Take our FREE 28-day Consistency Code Course, see tangible results in four weeks and build habits that fuel long-term success.

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Our clients don't waste time on things that don't work, and you shouldn't either. Every session should be 100% intentional, moving you closer to your goal and making you stronger or fitter.

This way, your workouts will be enjoyable, time-efficient, and effective, so you can achieve 10x better results while spending less time in the gym.

If you've been on and off with training for a while, then this is how you finally break the pattern and get the results you deserve.

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Ray has been struggling to make fitness a part of his life for many years, mostly because of the type of plans he was following. Over-complicated and time-consuming fitness methods don't work for busy entrepreneurs.

We have a system for building your new eating routine and habits, freeing up your time, and making eating healthy easy and enjoyable. It's science and research combined with convenience and common sense.

As a founder, I'm most proud of this part and it's also something keeps me lean and energetic all year round.

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Imagine you have an eating routine that saves you time and you actually enjoy. You also follow a training plan that works and your workouts don't feel like a chore anymore.

It's a lot easier to stay consistent and make this a part of your new 'YOU'. And that's what Marathon Mindset stands for. We're not trying to give you a plan to follow for a few months. It's not a sprint. We want to upgrade your entire lifestyle and habits, so being in great shape becomes your new standard.

There is nothing to come back to. This is your new default. This is now you.

The reason you struggle to stay consistent and get results isn't because you lack effort, time or willpower. The problem is that traditional fitness methods don't work for entrepreneurs. They focus on quick fixes and are complicated and time-consuming. That's why I created a system that works. Instead of telling you about it, I want you to experience it.
I want you to see how much easier it is to:
  • burn fat

  • build muscle

  • make fitness a part of your lifestyle

when you have access to the right tools and support. Try our methods for four weeks and then you can decide if you really want to go back to the old way of getting fit...
  • STEP 1

    Take the 'Entrepreneur MOT'. A set of questions specifically designed to discover where you currently are with your habits, lifestyle and performance and what we need to include in your accelerator plan.

  • STEP 2

    Start your FREE 28-day Consistency Code Course. You'll get access to my online coaching platform, which includes your training plan, workout calendar, coach's support, and a community of entrepreneurs who want to see you WIN.

  • STEP 3

    Lean into this. Commit to becoming the best version of yourself. Your commitment, combined with the perfect system, is a scary combo. After four weeks, you can decide whether you want to stay with us or go back to the old ways of getting fit.

    From my perspective, I'm selective about who I want to work with, which allows me to always achieve great results instead of offering average service for anyone. 

    Your Success Is My Success

“Incredible journey. I always tell my clients that building strong relationships and a solid personal brand requires being your best self, both mentally and physically.”


Wojtek Kolodziejczak

Public Speaker, CEO, Life Networker

“Adrian, you're giving away some f*cking serious value and making your free stuff is better than most people's paid stuff.

Joe Parish image

Joe Parish

CEO, High Performance Coach

“I've worked with many coaches in the past, but you really do know your sh*t. You're always present. You understood me right at the beginning and built a perfect plan”


James Wyatt

Public Speaker, CEO, Soulful Stays

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